To get your website to #1 spot in a search engine organically is going to take some time – just getting on page 1 is going to take some time BUT you can get into the search engines within 24 hours of your website being launched.
This is really important. Getting indexed by the search engines means you have somehow got that search engine robot to come to your website and read the information on your pages. The robot in turn evaluates that information and the keywords and rates it against all the other websites with similar information and like a good librarian, the search engine then adds your information to their index results. You might be the last result of 15 million but you are there. If you don’t tell them you are there, they may never know.
The search engines can find you page in two ways. You can tell them you are there or they can find you by skipping someone else’s site and following a link from their site to yours. I suggest you employ strategies that encompass both these opportunities.
I cannot stress this point enough – do not wait until the site is “finished” to start promoting it. You need to start promoting it immediately so that you site gets indexed by the search engines). Each time the search engines come back to your site they will see when information is changed or newly created. This is important to search engines because it then recognizes that there is activity on the site. This is why you should get your site listed in directories sooner rather than later because in the beginning you are going to be making lots of changes and making lots of additions.
After you’ve done all that, make sure your site is performing properly, that images are reduced for web, that the pages load fast and that your site looks and feels good. If you want us to walk you through a critical evaluation and provide an individual consultation on your website please feel free to book and appointment with us.
If you want us to do all these things for you, setting up all the accounts and submitting your site and managing things, this can also be arranged. Give us a shout and we can put together a plan of what needs to be done.
Unlike the famous quote from the baseball movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come” – just building the site isn’t enough… ;).