We have created an article in PDF format that you can download print and have offline to take from machine to machine to install your email addresses.  If you need any help or need an onsite visit please do not hesitate to contact us and we can arrange a convenient time to assist you in configuring your mail accounts.


Please note, if you are using Windows 8, the Mail App does not recognise the outgoing smtp despite every other mail client accepting it.  If you are using Windows 8 and you want to use the mail client please download the free version of Windows Live and install your accounts there. 

More instructions on Windows Live and updates on Windows Mail Apps as they are created.

August 24, 2017
Setting up Email

Setting Up Your Email

We have created an article in PDF format that you can download print and have offline to take from machine to machine to install your email addresses.  If you need any help or need an onsite visit please do not hesitate to contact us and we can arrange a convenient […]
September 29, 2017

Setting Up Your IMAP Account Within Your GMAIL Account

If you are comfortable using GMAIL as your default web based email service then you can continue to use that to read mail for up to 25 other accounts. Everything to your secondary email accounts will behave independently.  For example, if you have [email protected] as your primary Gmail account, you […]
September 29, 2017

Adding an Email Account to Outlook 2016

Click on FILE (top left corner). Click ADD ACCOUNT Enter the email address. Everything should get set up nicely from there with prompts to enter your password and you are gold. If it appears to be cycling there could be a popup window waiting for action.  This popup window will […]
June 22, 2020
IMAP Account

Setting Up Email Accounts in cPanel

August 24, 2017
Email Account Setup

IMAP Email Account Setup Instructions

August 23, 2017
IMAP Account

Setting Up an IMAP Account on an iPad or iPhone

August 24, 2017
Email Accounts

IMAP or POP3 Email Accounts

When selecting whether to use IMAP or POP3 when configuring your phone, ipad, or email client on your computer, there are a couple things to consider. POP3 IMAP IMAP email account setup instructions POP3 accounts will download your mail from the server to your local client.  Depending on your settings, […]
August 24, 2017
Setting Up Email

Setting Up Email on Microsoft Phone

Setting up your IMAP email account on your Microsoft phone should be fairly straight forward.  There are a couple important steps here that should simplify this process for you.  Note that if you are near one of our offices you can simply bring the device in and we can set […]
August 24, 2017
Windows Live

Windows Live Mail – Email Setup

Instructions to Set Up an Email Account in Windows Live