Click on FILE (top left corner).
Click on FILE (top left corner).
Enter the full email address.
Everything should get set up nicely from there with prompts to enter your password and you are gold. If you are a WebsiteToGo client and we set up the accounts for you, your emails have been set up with auto-discovery records.
If it appears to be cycling there could be a popup window waiting for action. This popup window will request that you accept the SSL etc. A second popup will then prompt you to allow the auto-discovery record to set things up for you. It may also have information about the SSL certificate etc. Accept this to move forward.
If you don’t get these prompts … cancel it and add again but this time click on the ADVANCED OPTIONS and tick “Let me set up my account manually.”
If you see Choose Account Type. Select IMAP.
Your settings should be:
If you are STILL having trouble follow out TROUBLE SHOOTING TIPS.