Publishing an article at a particular time can be immensley beneficial for your website. Some people will want to use their website to have time sensitive specials, maybe you want to make a particular announcement at a future date. Maybe you only want something to be on your website for a certain time.
Recently we created a raft of time specific modules that publish up and down at particular times to show seasonal specials.
In order to do this we simply went into Module Manager, created the modules with the information in them in custom html modules and set the specific publish up and publish down dates. This client will now go in to the Module Manager shortly after January 1 each year and they will reset the dates so that all the specials they created this year will automatically publish up and down next year. They can then also track what specials worked and what didn’t and make the appropriate changes.
Get in touch with your WebsiteToGo rep get time specific articles or modules or even slideshows to appear on your website.