Once you have a website hosting account you are able to setting up email accounts.  If your hosting account doesn’t allow email accounts I would highly recommend reconsidering your host.  For all WebsiteToGo clients, we assist in setting up email accounts and we only recommend hosts that have this provision.

The server settings will be slightly different depending on who is hosting your website/emails.

First step, ensure the hosting account has the email setup.

Go to www.yourdomain.com.au/cpanel or www.yourdomain.com/cpanel

The login details should have been sent to you in an email when the hosting account has been set up.  Please store this information somewhere safe as the cPanel is where you go to access FTP and set up new email accounts.  You can also run website backups from here.

Once you are logged into cPanel there is an EMAIL ACCOUNTS section.  Here is where you can create new email accounts and where you can see what emails have been set up on the host.


Simply ADD EMAIL ACCOUNT and create as many as you like.  My recommendation is not to go overboard, the last thing you want to have to do is monitor 20 emails.

As a note, you can rationalise “forwarding” accounts if you wanted to have an accounts@ account and have all emails to accounts@ to forward through to admin@ or to the administrators email directly.  Note, if a message is forwarded through to a primary email account, when you respond, it will go out from the email address that the original email was forwarded to.

Simply, if accounts@ forwards to admin@ and the original email was sent to accounts@.  When you reply to that email, the reply will go out from admin@.

June 22, 2020
IMAP Account

Setting Up Email Accounts in cPanel